The project Cli.c.k for schools offers an educational kit dedicated to climate change in the Euro-Mediterranean region for children aged 11-15 and their teachers. The approach is multidisciplinary and multicultural, it is based on a partnership that mobilizes schools and organizations specialized in environmental education to facilitate direct and free access to educational resources.
Through a series of resource sheets, activity sheets and an interactive game, this educational kit aims to:
– provide teachers with adequate resources for understanding climate phenomena and issues in the Mediterranean region
– encourage the local involvement of students and their international openness
– bring interactive resources.
• Educational resources that identify the effects of climate change on the area where students live
• The concrete enhancement of students’ ability to act on their environment
• Provide educational resources based on the results achieved by the new information and communication technologies
• Highlight the diversity of geographical contexts: coastal, urban and rural aspects characteristic of the Mediterranean regions

This project is carried out by 4 educational partners and 4 Italian, Greek, Croatian and French associative partners.
A project supported by the European Union’s ERASMUS + program.
The Cli.c.k for Schools project offers an educational kit dedicated to climate change in the Euro-Mediterranean region for 11-15 year olds and their teachers. The approach is multidisciplinary and multicultural, it relies on a partnership mobilizing schools and organizations specialized in environmental education to facilitate direct and free access to educational resources.
Through a series of resource sheets, activity sheets and an interactive game, this educational kit aims to:
• The concrete valorization of students’ ability to act on their environment
• Open educational resources based on the achievements of the New Information and Communication Technologies
• Highlighting the diversity of geographical contexts: coastal, urban and rural issues characteristic of Mediterranean This project is implemented by 4 educational partners and 4 associative partners Italian, Greek, Croatian and French.A project supported by the ERASMUS + program of the European Union.

Video Tutorial